Wednesday 10 September 2008

September 7, 2008 Opening Service

The opening service was great. We had lots of friends and family attend. Please pray that the Lord would draw those that He wants to be part of this fellowship.

Caleb and David led the singing part of the worship service. Caleb will be our regular worship leader on Sunday nights.

My wife translated for the first service. Our Sunday evening service will normally be English only.

Friends and family.

Peter and Victor from the Korean School of Ministry both offered a prayer of dedication. Peter prayed in Korean and Victor in English.

What can I say?
Students and teachers from the presbyterian church where I teach a Sunday noon English service came to our first service (24 students, 6 teachers - they came in their church bus), they led us in a couple closing songs.

Hye-Young's Family - dad, mom, brother, sister-in-law, nephew and neice.

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